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The Key to Equity is Representation: How to Elevate Crucial Perspectives Through Peer Advisory Boards (Part 2)
March 20, 2025Achieving an equitable healthcare system requires more than good intentions—it demands listening to... (Read the full article)

Elevating Crucial Perspectives: Peer Advisory Boards are the Key to Informed and Equitable Healthcare System
March 20, 2025In the pursuit of an equitable healthcare system, it’s essential to go beyond assumptions and truly... (Read the full article)

Grief and Art: A Universal Language of Healing
February 18, 2025Examining the role of creative expression in navigating the complex and deeply personal experience of grief... (Read the full article)

Relieving Traumas - Soothing Hearts: The Role of Grief Counseling in Sri Lanka
November 11, 2024Grief counseling in Sri Lanka is critical for addressing the deep emotional wounds caused by various... (Read the full article)

Managing Everyday Life and Adaptability in Holguin, Cuba: Perspectives from My Ninety-Day Internship Experience
October 07, 2024The blog details the author's summer internship in Holguin, Cuba, where he was part on an... (Read the full article)
Indigenous Solidarity in Western Medicine
October 02, 2023This literature review examines Indigenous conceptualizations of health and wellness, focusing on... (Read the full article)

The Rise Of The Taliban In Afghanistan: Implications For Iran
September 09, 2024Since the Taliban’s invasion of Afghanistan in May 2021, over 6 million Afghans have been driven from... (Read the full article)

The Price of Silence: A Personal Account of Mental Health Struggle
August 08, 2024This blog is an emotional rollercoaster from our intern in Agha Khan University Uganda. He shares the story... (Read the full article)

Colonization as a Determinant of Health
July 19, 2024The interconnected relationship of family, culture, and the environment provides health and wellness... (Read the full article)

Deconstructing the Term “Visible Minority”: A Call to Action for Inclusivity and Equity
June 28, 2024In contemporary discourse, the term “visible minority” is increasingly scrutinized for its... (Read the full article)

Telemental Health: Equity Opportunities and Challenges
May 29, 2024Telehealth innovations have reshaped mental healthcare by breaking down geographical barriers. Many argue... (Read the full article)

The Importance of Social Capital in Community Health Initiatives: A Reflective Journey
May 06, 2024The semester brought me insights into social capital's role in community health, notably as I... (Read the full article)

Global Health Equity Imperatives
April 09, 2024The poem explores the nuances of global health, especially with regard to COVID-19. It draws attention... (Read the full article)

Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Technology in Public Health Surveillance
March 18, 2024Technology, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 Alert App, was crucial in improving public health in Canada... (Read the full article)

Allyship in Action: Bridging Divides For Sustainable Healthcare in Kibera, Kenya
January 22, 2024This blog was inspired by my work term in Kenya this past summer, exploring the challenges in providing... (Read the full article)

Does Greater Health Mean Greater Wealth? An Analysis of Health Disparities Within Canada.
January 22, 2024In their Global status report on physical activity 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified... (Read the full article)

Medical Assistance in Dying for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness
October 09, 2023Medical assistance in dying is a complex issue in and of itself. However, many of the concerns or negative... (Read the full article)

The Healing Power of Music: Parkinson’s Disease
October 02, 2023Disease is more than just a malfunction of the human body. Behind every disease is a real person with... (Read the full article)

Blood donation: Leveraging the power of technology to save lives.
September 25, 2023Against the backdrop of blood-saving millions of lives and a key component in advancing Kenya's... (Read the full article)

Swab to Save a Life: The Diversity Problem in Canada’s Blood Supply
September 16, 2023Canadian Blood Services, established in 1998, is a not-for-profit organization that plays an essential role... (Read the full article)

The Subtlety of Ageism
September 12, 2023This reflection critically explores ageism in social media, the Grammy awards, and my own ageist views as a... (Read the full article)

Kwibuka: Bringing Rwanda to the World
April 11, 2023Since 1994, the months of April to July, which cover the period named Kwibuka (to remember), have been... (Read the full article)

To Reconcile, the Truth about Indigenous Health Care needs to be acknowledged
April 03, 2023The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was launched in 2008. The commission was established based... (Read the full article)

My cancer battle: An unsettling compromise
March 27, 2023I was born with a condition called microtia, a congenital malformation resulting from incomplete... (Read the full article)

Artificial Sweeteners - Not That Sweet
March 14, 2023When I go grocery shopping, chances are I will come across a product that has “0g sugar/low... (Read the full article)

Rare Diseases: Think Zebras, Not Horses
February 27, 2023Beginning with a trip to Ethiopia, which was life-changing in multiple ways, Layla Adrianovska describes... (Read the full article)

Leur Meilleur Vie: “Hoping we are not the next target.”
February 20, 2023For the past six years, Cameroon has been having a crisis known as the “Anglophone crisis.”... (Read the full article)
“No, I don’t trust the timing” - Distrust In The Time Of COVID-19
February 13, 2023Many people have heard at least one COVID-19 conspiracy theory, and I’m no different. Over the summer... (Read the full article)

911! Paramedics are essential
January 28, 2023At the end of a 911 call are paramedics. As an essential service, these healthcare workers carry a pivotal... (Read the full article)

Microaggressions & systemic racism: How I washed out like a pair of black jeans
January 22, 2023How does racism relate to a pair of black jeans? In this blog, I compare the factors that led to the... (Read the full article)

Structural Violence Close to Home: Homelessness in London, Ontario
January 15, 2023This blog post brings attention to the homelessness issue in London, Ontario. Highlighting the... (Read the full article)

Ontario’s Indigenous Population Health System Delivery: A Call to Action
January 07, 2023The healthcare system delivery of Indigenous people in Ontario, especially rural Ontario, is complex.... (Read the full article)

“Abre tus ojos” - Open Your Eyes: A Glimpse of Health Care Insecurity in Honduras
December 20, 2022With half of the global population unable to obtain essential health services, health insecurity remains a... (Read the full article)

“Where is Dhaka?” : Reflections on exploitation in the Bangladeshi Garment Industry
December 07, 2022Over the past decade, my home city of Dhaka, Bangladesh has seen a surge in economic growth within the... (Read the full article)

Celebrating 20 Years of the Grassy Narrows Blockade
December 02, 2022How would you feel if you were sitting in your home and watched people take your belongings away from you?... (Read the full article)

Lessons on aging and care from Scandinavia
October 17, 2022Globally, our population is aging. By 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be 60 years or older (World... (Read the full article)

What does enacting commitments to Health Equity imply in a Rural Community Health Team?
October 11, 2022An interview with Sara Dalo, Executive Director Tilbury District Family Health Team (Read the full article)

A Journey of Reflection in Uganda
October 04, 2022Over the past year, I pursued a Masters in Global Health Systems at Western University. My degree focused... (Read the full article)

Dr. Gerald McKinley: Research with Indigenous Communities
September 05, 2022Dr. Gerald McKinley is an Assistant Professor and Anthropologist in the Department of Pathology and... (Read the full article)

I Like My Hospital Like I Like My Government: A Call for Secular-Only Healthcare in Canada
August 30, 2022Research on how Catholic-based healthcare impacts the health of women is largely American. However,... (Read the full article)

“I am because we are” – Exploring “Ubuntu” in Global Health Systems
August 22, 2022A born and bred Canadian girl, raised in suburban London, Ontario, I spent the majority of my childhood... (Read the full article)

Healthcare Equity in Ecuador: Operation Walk
August 16, 2022Many people take for granted the ability to walk. It is not something that everyone thinks about, even... (Read the full article)

The Value of Value-Based Healthcare: OHIP+ and Sexual and Reproductive Health
August 09, 2022Since the inception of universal healthcare in Canada, financial barriers to accessing care have diminished... (Read the full article)
Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Impacts and Implications on Society. How Can We Help Those Affected?
August 01, 2022On March 11, 2011 the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami took the lives of tens of thousands of people and... (Read the full article)

Egypt: A Beacon of Hope on World Hepatitis Day
July 25, 2022In the United States, hepatitis C was once projected to become a rare disease by 2036, and while this may... (Read the full article)

Indigenous Health Inequity: Understand our Journey, to Understand our Health
July 12, 2022In Manitoba, the life expectancy for an Indigenous man is predicted to be 70.3 years, almost 10 years less... (Read the full article)

The myth called masculinity: Can men also be victims of domestic abuse?
June 29, 2022In the past few weeks, the world has watched in awe as Amber Heard and Johnny Depp share intimate details... (Read the full article)

The Power of Family in Indigenous Communities
June 21, 2022I am currently completing the 12-month Master of Public Health program at Western University. As a... (Read the full article)

Fighting Ageism and Ageist mindset: Taking a public health approach
June 13, 2022Ageing is an interaction of multiple factors that promote health and wellness, the lack of which would... (Read the full article)

A Defining Moment: Gender-based Violence and HIV Prevention in Uganda
June 06, 2022I am currently finishing my 1-year MMASc. in Global Health Systems at Western. As part of this experience,... (Read the full article)

Focus on Obstetric fistula: A consequence of child early and forced marriage
May 27, 2022According to Medical Encyclopedia, a fistula is “an abnormal connection between two body parts, such... (Read the full article)

Global Health Disparities: What Can We Learn from the Genocide Against the Tutsi People?
May 19, 2022Dr. Glorieuse Uwizeye is an Assistant Professor at The Western University of Ontario in London,... (Read the full article)

The Nigerian Association Mental Health Project: A New Approach to Community Mental Health
April 29, 2022On January 25, 2021, a young 26-year-old aspiring Nigerian musician overdosed and died in London, Ontario.... (Read the full article)

Disproportionate Effects of Climate Change: one view from Rural Cambodia
November 22, 2021“All we do is worry. We never know if there will be enough: enough food, enough water, enough rice,... (Read the full article)

Tracking impacts of Poverty and Climate Change on the farmer’s body
November 19, 2021I use the case of India and its farmers to understand the connection between climate change and poverty. (Read the full article)

Ecological Grief: Mourning a Distant Cultural Home
November 18, 2021Waking up after a 20-hour journey to Delhi, India, I blew my nose and found my tissue covered with flecks... (Read the full article)

Struggles for More Equitable and Sustainable Food
November 08, 2021Agroecology is an ecological and holistic view of farming, primarily based on traditional and local... (Read the full article)

Drones as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
November 02, 2021"I was excited to see that drones are already being deployed for various climate-related purposes... (Read the full article)
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