Infectious Diseases and Pandemics

Global Health Equity Imperatives
April 09, 2024The poem explores the nuances of global health, especially with regard to COVID-19. It draws attention to... (Read the full article)

Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Technology in Public Health Surveillance
March 18, 2024Technology, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 Alert App, was crucial in improving public health in Canada... (Read the full article)
“No, I don’t trust the timing” - Distrust In The Time Of COVID-19
February 13, 2023Many people have heard at least one COVID-19 conspiracy theory, and I’m no different. Over the summer while... (Read the full article)

Egypt: A Beacon of Hope on World Hepatitis Day
July 25, 2022In the United States, hepatitis C was once projected to become a rare disease by 2036, and while this may... (Read the full article)

A Defining Moment: Gender-based Violence and HIV Prevention in Uganda
June 06, 2022I am currently finishing my 1-year MMASc. in Global Health Systems at Western. As part of this experience,... (Read the full article)
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