Power & Global Health Day 2021


Western has run its Power and Global Health Day during international week since 2017. Join us November 18th, from 10 am onwards, for keynote lectures, a round table, and student-led event (details coming soon). Participating in Power & Global Health Day is a great way to learn more about Global Health Equity work at Western.

Program Outline and Registration
via Western International

The theme of Western’s 2021 Power and Global Health Day at Western is climate ethics.

Climate change affects the entire planet but marginalized populations disproportionately experience the negative outcomes, despite privileged groups contributing more to the problem and dealing with less of the adverse impacts due to having increased access to resources that enable greater adaptation to the effects of climate change. Because of social inequities, many populations do not have access to those same resources, and therefore are more vulnerable to severe effects of climate change. Ethical concepts including, political legitimacy, justice, and welfare can be instrumental to discussing, denouncing, and mobilizing responses to worrisome environmental changes. These concepts need to be grounded, however, in everyday experiences and particular contexts in order to yield realistic, and equity-oriented strategies. (1)

The day’s activities will highlight intersectional and social justice approaches to climate change and action that prioritize equitable outcomes for all populations, especially regarding health. Our goal is to instigate discussion beyond hypotheticals, opening space for collective and individual reflection of how specific contextual factors influence individual responsibilities to address climate change.

GET INVOLVED! Students and faculty are invited to share their reflections related to climate ethics through a blogpost. Student blogpost submissions will be automatically entered into our Power & Global Health Day 2021 blogpost competition. Judged by our faculty, graduate student, and community panel, top blogs will be awarded a prize of $100. 

For more information, or to have your program, faculty, or organization support Power & Global Health Day 2021 please contact: ghe-coordinator@uwo.ca

(1) This is climate ethics with an ethnographic sensibility, following Bell et al. 2019: Bell, D., Swaffield, J. & Peeters, W. Climate Ethics with an Ethnographic Sensibility. J Agric Environ Ethics 32, 611–632 (2019). https://doi-org.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/10.1007/s10806-019-09794-z